ARTICLE 1: PURPOSE OF CUB SCOUTING: The purpose is to provide a program for youth that builds character and personal fitness, provides fun and adventure outdoors, and instills children with the values, principles and skills to become tomorrow’s leaders.
ARTICLE 2: CHARTER: Pack 104 is chartered by the Sycamore Congregational Church UCC. The chartered organization provides a suitable meeting place and facilities for Pack meetings, adult leadership, supervision, and opportunities for a healthy Scouting life for the Scouts under its care.
ARTICLE 3: CUB SCOUT COMMITTEE/LEADER ORGANIZATION: The voting members of this organization shall consist of the Committee Chair, Assistant Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Advancement Chair, and Committee Members at Large. The duties of the Committee Organization shall consist of the usual duties pertaining to these offices as written in the BSA Cub Scout Leader Book. All votes require at least 5 adult leaders for quorum.
SECTION 1: Changes that are highly impactful to the functioning of the pack require at least one week’s notice to pack prior to voting.
ARTICLE 4: MEMBERSHIP: Pack 104 is open to all children in K-5th grade (5-10 years old). Pack 104 has an inclusive membership policy and any child within the Cub Scout age range is welcome. Families are asked to pay annual Pack dues, which are a critical part of our budget to help pay for supplies, badges, event space rental, food, equipment, registration and training for Adult Leaders, event organization, and registration assistance. Pack dues are determined by the Committee according to the Pack budget, and are pro-rated for Scouts who join the Pack mid-way through the Scouting year (August-July). No Scouts will be turned away because of financial hardship and financial assistance may be approved at the discretion of the Committee Chair.
SECTION 1: ALL adult leaders are REQUIRED to complete the Youth Protection Training (YPT) and AB 506 Mandated Reporter Training when joining the Pack, and continuing to renew the training each year as long as they are members. This is for the protection of our youth. Once completed, the completion certificate can be given to your Den Leader, the Cubmaster or the Committee Chair.
ARTICLE 5: ATTENDANCE: All Cub Scouts and their parents are encouraged to support their Den and Pack through active participation in Den and Pack activities. At least one parent/guardian needs to join their scout at Den meetings and events. The entire family is welcome at Pack meetings and many outings are intended for the families.
SECTION 1: Our pack is not a “drop off” unit for the ranks of Lions to Bears. Per BSA guidelines, Lion and Tiger parents/guardians MUST sit with their child at all meetings and events. Wolves and Bears parent/guardian MUST stay in the facility during all meetings and events. Webelos and Arrow of Light parents/guardians presence is up to the discretion of your Den Leader.
ARTICLE 6: DENS: The goal of the Pack is for your Scout to be able to follow the Cub Scout motto: “DO YOUR BEST”. If at any time during the Scout year a parent feels there is a problem within the den, the following steps should be taken:
- If possible, discuss the problem with the person(s) involved. If it is another person in the Den, contact the Den Leader first.
- If the problem is with the Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader, meet with that person if at all possible.
- If the problem is not resolved or if you are not comfortable talking with the Den Leader or Assistant(s), contact the Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, or Pack Committee Chair. If you do not contact the Cubmaster directly, the person you talk to will notify the Cubmaster.
- Whenever possible, a meeting of all parties involved will be held in order to resolve the issue.
ARTICLE 7: CONDUCT: All Cub Scouts are expected to behave themselves at all meetings and outings. Before, during and after meetings, NO Scout OR child will be allowed outside the meeting area without adult supervision. Disruptive behavior, fighting, and use of bad language are some examples of behavior which will not be tolerated at Den meetings, Pack meetings or outings.
Families/Guardians and any siblings or guests will also adhere to the conduct rules and the following sections will apply to adults/siblings as well. On those rare occasions when discipline is necessary, the following action will be taken along with documentation, with the exception of ***bodily harm:
SECTION 1: Verbal Conversation: The Den leader or Assistant will take the Scout out of the activity and talk with them about what they have done wrong. The Scout will then rejoin the activity.
SECTION 2: Time Out: The Scout will again be taken out of the activity and spoken to but he will not be allowed to rejoin the group or complete the particular project or activity. He can rejoin when they move on to the next activity.
SECTION 3: Call the Parent: If the Scout does not correct the behavior, parents will be asked to take them home immediately. If a parent is not present, the scout will call them to come immediately to pick them up.
SECTION 4: If the conduct is done by a parent/guardian, sibling or guest, and the first and second warning was not heeded, they will be asked to leave the event with their scout. If the behavior becomes a pattern, it will be voted on by the Committee to remove the Scout and/or family permanently from Pack 104.
(Including, but not limited to; Spitting, hitting, throwing an object at someone, etc.) THEY WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THAT EVENT IMMEDIATELY!!! ***
ARTICLE 8: FAMILY/PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Cub Scouting gives families an opportunity to spend quality time together. It is the leader’s role to provide interest, skill and time in developing a good program. The family provides help and support for the Den and Pack. Families can help in many different ways. Some of the examples of family involvement include: *Working with their Cub Scout on achievements and electives outside of Den meetings.
*Attending the Den and Pack meetings with their Cub Scout.
*Helping at occasional den meetings on a specific project or an activity.
*Assisting with the Den outings.
Our Pack is 100% volunteer-run, and parent volunteering is critical to our ability to be an active and fun Pack. All families are asked to take one parent volunteer role, with the option to pay an opt-out fee if volunteering is not manageable. The opt-out fee is determined each year by the Pack Committee and is collected by the Treasurer along with annual Pack dues.
ARTICLE 9: UNIFORM: Blue and Gold are the Cub Scout colors. They have special meaning: The blue stands for truth and spirituality, steadfast loyalty, and the sky above. The gold stands for warm sunlight, good cheer and happiness.
Webelos have the option of wearing the blue or the khaki-colored shirt.
SECTION 1: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: The minimum Class A uniform requirement for Pack 104 is a uniform shirt, cap and neckerchief. The shirts (and many other supplies) can be purchased at local Scout Shops. Pack 104 also has pack T-shirts. Each Scout is given one free T-shirt. Any additional T-Shirts or Sweatshirts can be purchased when the bulk order is placed in the fall. If another bulk order is needed, it will be voted on by the Committee.
SECTION 2: COLORS BY RANK: Tiger Cubs wear an orange scarf. Wolf Cubs wear a red scarf, Bears a blue scarf, and the Webelos/AOL wear a blue, green, red and gold plaid scarf. Webelos also wear “colors” on their right sleeve where they wear the activity pins they earn.
SECTION 3: UNIFORM: A Scout is expected to wear his uniform clean and neat. For Pack meetings and formal events, Scouts are expected to wear their Class A uniform. For Den meetings and other events, they are expected to wear their Pack T-shirts or whatever is put out by their Den Leader.
SECTION 1: DEN MEETINGS: Den meetings are generally held 2 or 3 times per month. Parents may be asked to attend with their Scouts at the discretion of the Den Leader. Den meetings are planned and run by the Den Leader with the help of an Assistant Den Leader(s), along with any Den Chiefs assigned to that Den.
SECTION 2: PACK MEETING: Pack meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of each month at Sycamore Congregational Church UCC from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The entire family is encouraged to attend the Pack meeting and support the Cub Scouts in their advancement. Pack meetings are not held during the months of June, July and August, but summertime events are planned. The Pack meeting program includes opening and closing ceremonies, recognition of Scouts who have earned awards, presentation of skits or activity by that month’s designated Den. The Pack meeting is planned and is led by the Cubmaster with the help of other adult Pack Leaders.
SECTION 3: PACK COMMITTEE MEETING: Meetings are normally held once every other month at a date and time determined by the Committee Chair. The meetings are important to the successful operation of the Pack in that it is a group of adults who manage such things as record keeping, finance, leadership, and registration. The adults include the Committee, Den Leaders, and parents/guardians. Voting members are outlined in Article 3.
ARTICLE 11: ADVANCEMENT: The Pack 104 Cub Scout Program has six ranks: Lions, Tigers, Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow of Light. Advancement through the ranks is determined by the current standards of BSA.
SECTION 1: LION CUB: A Scout who is in Kindergarten (or is 5 years old by the start of school year) and registered with his adult parent as a member of a Lion Cub Den.
SECTION 2: TIGER CUB: A Scout who is in first grade (or is 6 years old by the start of school year) and registered with his adult parent as a member of a Tiger Cub Den.
SECTION 3: WOLF: The Wolf rank is for Scouts who are in second grade (or are 7 years old by the start of school year).
SECTION 4: BEAR: The Bear rank is for Scouts who are in third grade (or are 8 years old by the start of school year).
SECTION 5: WEBELOS/WEBELOS 1: The Webelos badge is for Scouts who are in fourth grade (or are 9 years old by the start of school year).
SECTION 6: ARROWS OF LIGHT/WEBELOS 2 are in fifth grade (or are 10 years old by the start of school year). Earning the Arrow of Light Award tells everyone that you are ready to be a Scout. If a new Scout joining the Pack has not earned their WEBELOS 1 rank, they will be put into a WEBELOS 1 den, even if they are 10 years old. They can work on their AOL in conjunction with their WEBELOS rank on their own.
ARTICLE 12: SUMMERTIME EVENTS: While there will be no regular Pack Meetings from June to August, several Pack events will be planned throughout the summer. The Committee will appoint a coordinator/chairman for each event.
SECTION 1: FRIENDS OF SCOUTING: This is an annual, national fundraising program. Funds raised are used to maintain the programs and camping programs that are run by the Golden Gate Area Council.
SECTION 2: POPCORN SALES: This is an annual, national fundraiser that starts in August and runs through October. Each year at the planning meeting, a Popcorn Kernel is chosen to run the Popcorn Sales.
ARTICLE 14: INDIVIDUAL SCOUT ACCOUNTS (ISA): Scouts who participate in fundraising are eligible to deposit up to 30% of the funds they have raised into an Individual Scout Account, or ISA. Scouts may use the funds in their ISA to pay for Pack dues or event fees at the discretion of the Committee. Funds that are unused after a period of two years will be forfeited to the general Pack fund.
ARTICLE 15: PETS/ANIMALS: Pets/Animals are not permitted at any Scouting or Family event unless prior permission is given by the Committee (or Den Leader for Den events). This includes Emotional Support Animals. The only exception would be a Service Dog that must be trained to perform specific tasks that aid in a disability as dictated under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please note if permission is granted for a pet/animal to be at an event, or a Service Dog is in attendence, ALL liability is accepted by the handler.
ARTICLE 16: DISCLOSURE: If any of these bylaws are in violation of BSA state or federal rules and regulations, then the appropriate rules or regulations will preside over the by-laws. These bylaws can be amended by majority vote of the Pack Committee.