Pack 104 Webelo den organized a moderately strenuous pack hike in the Sunol Regional Wilderness in California on October 9th. The hike consisted of a 3.9 mile loop trail and boasts a short, steep climb up Flag Hill with 994 feet of elevation gain.
There were two scouts from the Webelo den who attended this hike with their parents. Here is a photograph of a skull that was observed on the pathway during the hike.
Hike Statistics
Starting point: Visitor center / parking lot Distance: 3.5
Time: Allow about 3 hours
Grade: Moderate
Suggested age: Bears, Webelos
Suggested Season: Fall, spring, summer.
Hike Description
Begin this hike by crossing Alameda Creek on the footbridge near park headquarters. Turn left (downstream). After a short distance, Flag Hill Trial will take off uphill, to the right. The trail zigzags up the face of the hill (make sure your hikers understand why it’s important not to shortcut switchbacks). After about a mile of rather steep uphill hiking, you’ll reach the top where you’ll probably want to take a good snack or lunch break. While on top, watch for red-tailed hawks (the red upper surface of the tail is visible when the hawk turns), turkey vultures (which hold their wings in a slight “V” and teeter in flight), and maybe even a golden eagle or falcon.
Continue your hike by dropping down the back side of Flag Hill, turning right when you reach High Valley Road. Return to the cars by way of Hayfield Road.