The Pack 104 Swim Day is coming up on July 25th. We’re planning on having the Scouts and their families come in age-specific 2-hour windows. The tentative schedule is as follows:
* 10:00–12:00…..Lions and Tigers
* 12:00–2:00…….Wolves and Bears
* 2:00–4:00………Webelos and AOLs
Michael Black is organizing and hosting this year’s event, in his backyard in Pinole as the El Cerrito Swim Center is still in the midst of a staged reopening.
Stay tuned for more details.
Right now what we need to hear from you is whether your Scout(s) will be attending. We will need the names of all people attending, including accompanying adults and siblings.
All Scouts will need to have an accompanying adult present at the event, and Lions and Tigers will need a dedicated adult to closely supervise them and accompany them in the water.
John Bowen will be conducting BSA swimming tests for the Scouts, and then we’ll be working on the swimming-related portions of Adventures (“Floats and Boats” for Tigers, “Spirit of the Water” for Wolves, “Salmon Run” for Bears, and “Aquanaut” for Webelos/AOLs). After this, there’ll be plenty of time for the Scouts to just have fun in the pool. Looking forward to seeing you all there!!
Other Upcoming Pack 104 Events:
Jul 10 – Tennessee Valley Hike to the Beach 10am@ 701 Tennessee Valley Rd, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Jul 12 – July Pack 104 Parents and Committee meeting 7:30pm @ Zoom