Dear Parents (or Akelas in Cub Scout lingo) of Pack 104,
As the school year winds down it is time to make plans for the Pack’s program in the 2017-18 academic year.
We will hold our annual program planning meeting this month, on Monday May 15th (not the 22nd due to a conflict for Madera parents). It is the day after Mother’s Day to make it easy to remember…
Monday, May 15
Harding MPR Room (where we have our Pack mtgs)
6:30pm to 8:30 or 9
We need one representative from every family to come to help us plan and also to vote on key issues moving forward.
1) Participation
Unlike many Scout Troops and Packs who are sponsored by a community, religious, or service organization, etc., Pack 104 has always been independent and self-supporting, with the “Friends of Pack 104” serving as our legal chartering organization for over 50 years. This is a benefit, and a burden, as it means we are free of the issues of a bigger organization, but also responsible for all of our planning and operations. Scouting works best and when families are active participants with their sons, and given our rich program, we really need everyone’s help. After several years of discussion, and as the Pack membership has flourished, the Committee has decided to vote at the next mtg on a plan to move to a “pay or participate” program model.
We have enough jobs, from the big (ie Cubmaster, Den Leader,…) to the smaller (planning an activity, managing T-shirts, …) that there is a role for everyone. We would like to have every family take a role, but if they can’t, we will have the option of opting out for a participation fee. Rather than the complexity of recording hours and collecting funds to be held in escrow as some local organizations do, the proposal is to keep this simple. This item will be voted on at the May meeting, and a list of roles is being prepared and will be available to choose from. We are also legally responsible for voting on our uniformed leadership and can do so for any new roles at the meeting.
2) 2017-18 Program
This is your chance to help set our calendar and activities. Some have told me they like certain activities, don’t like other ones, etc. — this is your chance to change and improve them. Everything is on the table, from time and frequency of Pack mtgs to weekend hikes, campouts, museum tours, etc. Please come prepared with your calendar and ideas/details for fun/favorite things the Pack could do. Attached is a planning calendar to jot down ideas on and bring to the meeting. I have put in the WCCUSD calendar, holidays, etc to help. And John Bowen and others have helped with ideas for overnights, etc.
3) Any other items you want to bring up.
Most parent meetings are optional, but for this one, we need one representative from every family present — as parents you are members of the “Friends of Pack 104” and thus entitled to vote on all issues. If you cannot make it, please email (just to me, not the group) and we can work out a family job, etc.
Lon Addison
Committee Chair
Pack 104, Herms District, Mt. Diablo Council, Boy Scouts of America