Pack 104 Fall Campout | September 17-19 Post-event Recap

From Friday September 17th through Sunday September 19th, about a dozen pack 104 families gathered at Camp Tamarancho located west of Fairfax, California for a fall campout. Activities were coordinated by the Marin Cub Scout Council.

Featured Saturday daytime activities included archery, BB gun range, handicrafts, Scout Skills, hiking, First Aid, knots, rock climbing, good/bad camping skills, tug of war, and a campfire with skits and storytelling. The theme for this year’s Family Fiesta was “Superheroes.”

There were over 300 people in attendance at this event!! We all had a fantastic time. Several of the adult volunteers completed their Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) training this weekend. Thank you to Camp Director Dine DeMartin and Program Director Ron Poggi for coordinating this very fun outing and for bringing together so many council members and families on this fall weekend.


Webelos Woods Campout | Sept 3-5 2021

The Webelos enjoyed lots of fun activities, including boating and fishing over Labor Day Weekend (Friday-Sunday).

This was a great opportunity for incoming or current Webelos I and II Scouts to work on Webelos-specific advancement activities in the beautiful setting of Camp Tamarancho. The scouts were lead and mentored by Scouts BSA and crew members from the Marin Council Boy Scouts of America.

Nerf Games VI | August 29th 2021 Post-event Recap!

On Sunday, August 29th, Pack 104 hosted our annual recruiting event. There were many Pack 104 scouts and a fair number of new families who attended.

The more senior scouts were actively helping the younger scouts and potential scouts learn how to tie different knots. Each time a participant learned a new knot, he/she/they would earn nerf darts!

Examples of knots that were part of the day’s activities include bowline, taut line hitch, sheet bend, square knot, and two half hitch.

It was great to see so many people in attendance, and following good COVID practices and etiquette for control and prevention of the virus.